Mediterranean Diet High In Olive Oil Prolongs Life of Seniors

We live by the philosophy that food is medicine. Turns out, it's more than just a saying. A study in Italy found that seniors 65 years or older who adhered to a Mediterranean diet saw 25 percent less likelihood of death from ANY cause compared to those who adhered to the diet a little or not at all.

The authors examined data on 5,000 people over the age of 65 who were participants in the Moli-sani Study and followed them up to eight years. In addition, they reviewed epidemiological studies from several countries, which brought the total of subjects in the research to 12,000.

In an interview with The Olive Oil Times, the first author explained that extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is one of the primary factors responsible for the longevity advantage.

β€œIn our study, we found that among the food items included in a MedDiet, a higher consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) over saturated fatty acids mainly drives the global health benefit. Of course, EVOO is one of the major food sources of MUFA in the diet,” Bonaccio told Olive Oil Times.

Read the full study here.

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